amki's treasure trove

Heya I'm amki and this site will be my own personal wiki for my OCs and worldbuilding among other projects eventually.

My artwork and writing are intended for an adult, mature audience only.

Last update :

13/02/2025 : Added burger menu on mobile.

12/02/2025 : Added all fics! Misc changes.

10/02/2025 : Some changes to mobile; things should be less giant now. Lots of aesthetic changes to the fanfic page.

08/02/2025 : Added a fanfic page! Will be gradually adding my fic in there. Misc bug fixes.

03/02/2025 : More backend stuff. Hopefully not too many links broke? Also added Keon (partial). Added older Ao artwork.

29/01/2025 : Refactored backend, added back arrows on many pages, added “known individuals” to places too.

19/01/2025 : Added Maku-Nu. Added basic information about Liya. Added Throne link.

02/01/2025 : Misc fixes.

01/01/2025 : Happy new year! To celebrate this I tortured myself by refactoring the wiki once more. Lots of visual changes as well.

19/12/2024 : Actually wrote Yeli and Toru’s relationship blurb so it’s no longer a placeholder. Added a basic gallery. It has no lightbox but you can right-click to open the images in a new tab for now. Some fixes for mobile.

11/12/2024 : Misc. fixes.

09/12/2024 : Added new art for Aelina and changed their icon.

06/12/2024 : Added colors, finally. Plus a fancy dark theme and theme switcher. I am now part of the Fandom Webring!

05/12/2024 : Lots of code cleanup and fucking around (and a clean Astro reinstall). Added rudimentary image gallery for characters. Changed style of links. Revamped Extras page.

18/11/2024 : Added Xadentina, Toru, and Yeli. Added Bakeneko and Nekomata to the spirits page.

11/11/2024 : Removed Twitter link, added underlines to links so it’s obvious they’re clickable.

08/11/2024 : Finished Krai’s page. Changed all pronouns for Krai and Aelina to “they” for consistency’s sake (they both still use multiple sets of pronouns, this is just easier to read). Made Krai’s pronouns “any” instead of “he / they”. Fixed Yed’s height (it was previously listing Climea’s).

13/10/2024 : THE GREAT OC MIGRATION (massive backend change). Added basic CSS to character pages.

12/10/2024 : Various code optimizations. Link icons Fancified™.

10/10/2024 : HTML fixes to the navbar, added Krai (WIP).

12/09/2024 : Replaced Retrospring (RIP) with Strawpage.

30/07/2024 : Added Retrospring link. Started District of Seven rewrite.

19/06/2024 : (Corrupted World) Changed Clans of Greed and Lust colors from indigo and blue to teal and blue respectively. Changed (hopefully) all instances of “Corrupted Land” to “Corrupted World”.

05/06/2024 : Lots of bug fixes, basic CSS, basic navigation and character sorting. Added Alco and Yed.

26/04/2024 : Finished Sec, added Ced. Rewrote & fixed most wiki text.

22/04/2024 : Added Sec (partially).

18/04/2024 : Re-added PillowFort link. Added Aelina (partially).

09/02/2024 : Update notes are a thing now…or they will be once I’ve added more stuff and feel it’ll be relevant to start writing those.