
Mysterious creatures of legends and said to live in a bright world parallel to this one, angels are mythical beings, known for both their boundless generosity and their complete lack of mercy. They are strict adepts of order and will always prioritize it over any other ideal they may have. They avoid the corrupted lands, as the tainted magic harms them.

Before the Earth was corrupted beyond saving, angels would watch over the world and all its souls and give blessings to those they deemed their “Champions”, living beings, usually humans, with strong ideals and unwavering hearts. Ever since the Great Corruption, however, they have ceased all direct contact. Even so, it is said some angels have managed to bestow blessings on new champions without having to manifest on the corrupted Earth.

Angels have seemingly given up on Earth despite being the ones most likely to be able to find a solution to the corruption problem. But some of them still keep an eye on the devastated land in the hopes that one soul will be pure enough to receive a blessing.

Their blessings are said to be able to make a god out of even the weakest creatures, however they do not give them freely.

Angels do not reproduce sexually, and the forms they choose to appear in are left to their own tastes, though their true forms are said to be monstrous. New angels are born only when a human dies with a pure, blessed soul. These days, it is a rare occurrence.

Known individuals

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