
Gentle Monster

Krai's avatar illustration.


Name: Krai

Age: ???

Gender: None

Pronouns: he / they

Species: Spirit

Height: XXcm

Origin: ???

Location : Carnivorous Forest

Affiliation: Tetsuhiko

A gentle monster who simply enjoys life.


While their appearance can be disconcerting to most, Krai is a gentle spirit who greatly enjoys being able to see the world of the living through their pact with Tetsuhiko. They love the small things in life, and nothing seems to be able to bring their mood down, not even their host’s temper tantrums. They simply love life.


Not much is known about Krai, not even his true name (“Krai” is the name Tetsuhiko calls him, but none of his friends address him by name) or gender. All that is known is that he is a spirit able to manipulate shadows, and that he is linked to the keeper of the Cursed Greenhouse, Tetsuhiko, through a soul pact.


  • N/A


Krai's fullbody illustration.


Illustration of Aelina's face.'



Aelina and Krai are long-time friends, finding kinship in their respectively unusual existences. Krai loves telling Aelina stories of the ancient world as it was in his memories, and Aelina is fascinated by how different the world was before the corruption.