Free Spirit

Name: Maku-Nu
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she / her
Species: Pseudo-human
Height: 161cm
Origin: Liya
Location : Blue Mountains (current)
Affiliation: Independent
A rare Pseudo-human who isn’t affiliated in some way to a clan of demon hunters.
Maku-Nu is a free spirit who doesn’t want to be held down by places or people. Her constant wandering makes it difficult for her to form lasting relationships, especially since her nature as a Pseudo-human makes people wary of her.
Born in a small village in Liya, Maku-Nu met the Dragon of White Stone as a child and quickly became enamoured with the outside world. As soon as she was old enough to leave, she packed her things and traveled all around the world, first to witness the places the dragon had mentioned, and then to discover more of the world on her own.
- N/A


Curious minds
Ruo’lian is the reason Maku-Nu became an adventurer, inspiring her with stories of the world. As thanks, Maku-Nu regularly comes back to Liya to share her own adventures with the dragon.