
Humanoids are what the mutated humans became after the Great Corruption. There are many, many types of humanoids, some looking mostly human with only some non-human traits (like animal-like ears, tails, and eyes), and others looking much less human than anything else, with half or more of their body being of a completely different species.

Some humanoids live in communities, while others prefer to wander the world alone.

Most humanoids reproduce the same way humans did, though the exact methods may vary depending on their type (reptilian humanoids, for example, tend to lay eggs).


A special type of humanoid who physically resemble the humans of old almost perfectly, were it not for their pupil-less, glowing eyes. They have an immense concentration of mana in their bodies, though are usually unable to harness it directly. Instead, they use specially-made objects (typically weapons) to channel their mana into.

Pseudo-humans call themselves humans, although they are anything but. They tend to be demon hunters, organized in various clans, with each their own rules and ideals.

It is thought that those so-called “humans” are the embodiment of the desire of humanity to return to what it once was.


Drakes are what happens when an intelligent creature makes a blood pact with a dragon, developing a more draconic appearance and inheriting some of their powers. Drakes are uncommon but numerous enough to be known, though they tend to be pretty reclusive.

Drake genes can be transmitted to their progeny, so long as at least one parent is a drake. If both parents are drakes, the child will automatically be a drake. If only one parent is, then the child has a fifty-fifty chance of being either a drake or the other parent’s species. No hybrids are possible.

Blood pacts cannot be retracted, and the changes are permanent. Because of this and the hereditary nature of drake genes, there are more born-drakes than ones created through a pact.


Weres are a type of humanoid that undergo regular transformations into full animal or monster form, both purposefully and accidentally, based on specific criteria. For werewolves, this is based on the phase of the moon, during which they transform regardless of their will.

Common to all weres is the feral state of being when transformed against their will. Communication is impossible, and instincts are enhanced to the max.

Known individuals